Instagram accounts to improve your feed

5 min readSep 2, 2023


DISCLAIMER: I am a professional in and of nothing, I just share my own dumb thoughts and opinions and any information is the best to my non-expert, non-professional knowledge. If anyone or anyone involved in any of the things I give praise to here turns out to be shitty or something, I probably don’t know. Assume I do or would rescind these endorsements. Damn I hate talking like this, this shit sucks. Let’s get to the fun part.

No I’m not paid or being compensated in any form by anyone or any platform mentioned.

Also, I won’t be doing one of these for TikTok or Twitter because I don’t use either of them and man I really don’t want to. But if I ever join, maybe I will. (To be clear, I do have accounts on both but I never use either, except Twitter solely to promote my articles.) Also lots of these people also have TikToks and Twitters already.

If you’d like to know why I’m making these lists in the first place, check out my piece on how to make your internet experience not suck :)

The McKee Family

@ JessAndSkyer, @ SkyMckee, @ HeyJessMcKee

Disclaimer ahead of the game: Obviously, I don’t know these people, and it’s important to keep boundaries when it comes to ‘family vlog’ adjacent stuff. This honestly applies to everyone I list here today.

This is a simple yet wonderful family that have genuinely brightened my days. As of writing this, they are dad Skyler, toddler Poppy aka Beans, and mama Jess who is pregnant with baby #2. From what I have gathered — though I apologize if any of this is wrong, this family hit very hard times in the pandemic, losing their place of living, and having to make a big move very suddenly, but through posting about themselves and their journeys, they now have enough to provide for themselves and their growing family, as well as are in the process of opening their own coffee shop. And while their story is heartwarming and wonderful, it’s not what I love about them most.

What I appreciate most, is their day-to-day things. Skyler talking about his journey learning more about his own neuro-divergence, both Skyler and Jess talking about parenting, both the good and the bad, how they are doing their best to use what the modern world knows about mental health to teach their daughter good habits, and even better, seeing those positive teachings reflect in Poppy’s candid behavior when she’s on screen. But above all, it’s Sky and Poppy’s morning videos that do it for me — that fill me with such joy and hope for both the day ahead, and the future in general. Usually, it’s the two of them working together to make a drink, often coffee, tea, or smoothies. They are very short, often 2 minutes or even much less. Seeing Sky and his daughter interact in such positive ways, and working together for something as simple as coffee brings them both such joy.

Sky often showcases the importance in keeping your inner child alive when working with a child, while also being able to teach very important and often overlooked lessons, like when Poppy accidentally spills the coffee grounds, that it is okay to make a mess or mistake, as long as you clean up. It could be very easy to argue that these things shouldn’t be ‘day brighteners’, they should be normal and average, and I agree! But they aren’t. Not for everyone, myself included. Seeing a parent do well and lead and teach with a gentle hand and a kind heart can do wonders for the soul — especially the soul of someone who wasn’t so lucky.

Maybe this family and their quiet little morning routines can bring you some of the same joy it’s brought me (troubled or not).

NOTE: I felt weird at the idea of making a list of family based accounts — though I can’t exactly put into words why — so, I’m starting off with a more in depth appreciation of maybe my favorite family based account, which covers pretty much all the reasons I love accounts like this. Feel free to search for more on your own if you feel so inclined; some more will also be listed at, mixed in with a sort of ‘miscellaneous’ list at the end.

The Wild Animal People

I wasn’t lying in my previous post when I said a large amount of my feed is just animals! The following are people live with large wild animals like lions, tigers (not bears as far as I’ve seen :( ), primates, panthers, etc, etc, either in their own home (specialized to take care of these animals properly, not just uneducated Floridians who decided they wanted a pet gator), or living within wildlife conservation areas [there is also a decent chance I’m wrong and they don’t actually live on that land, or maybe they do but not full-time, this is just from what I’ve gathered, and will change this is shown I’m wrong]. While wild predators should not be mistaken as safe for just anyone to be around, it is so heartwarming to watch man and animal get along and connect on a level with some sort of respect and understanding. And also it’s fun to see proof that while, yes, a tiger can and absolutely will kill you if you fuck with it, they are also just big kitties sometimes.

@ KodyAntle, @ Luna_The_Pantera, @ SirgaTheLioness, @ JacobFeder_, @ KikiTheFox_, @ Dean.Schneider

Animal Sanctuaries

This is more of a sub-category for the above — these are accounts promoting animal sanctuaries that can be visited! And just like how tigers are sometimes just big kitties, wolves are just big doggies, sometimes.

@ WolfMTNSanctuary, @ ApexProtectionProject, @ RedWorldSanctuary, @ TheBigCatSanctuary

The Trampoline People

Just a bunch of awesome trampoliners who do really cool tricks and have a general sense from joy in what they do. It inspires me to find a hobby that brings me this much energetic joy — or to maybe just get in shape enough to try and do what they do as well lol! (They also occasionally post about other forms of performance and sport, but at least at the time of writing this, most of them are focusing their accounts on their trampolining)

@ HingaFlips, @ DillionVance247, @ BobReeseCookieMonster, @ Anthony.Brew, @ Jump__Boy, @ Cirque_De_Molasses, @ M_Webster, @ Laydeelo, @ TrampWallDillion, @ LukeDiestel

Other forms of Performance Art and Sport (including fire poi, aerial silks, etc)

@ JesseFirePerformer, @ SuperKatastic, @ LABurnClub, @ Willis.Wav, @ HeatherBe_, @ Mr.Spinz, @ Purriko, @ FlowMamba, @ FlowSandwhich, @ RogueFireCircus, @ Tempest.Performance, @ TammyFireFly, @ MarcosPoceLopez, @ Hoops.Desole

Young Children Being Surprisingly Good At Stuff Most Adults Can’t Do

REMINDER of the boundaries mentioned at the top.

@ MilesMusicKid, @ Couture.To.The.Max

Now here’s just a bunch of people I just like but don’t exactly fit into one category

@ Brave Dave Official, @ PeetMontzingo, @ ScottCreates, @ Abraham.Piper, @ MuppetHistory, @ RyanKellyComedy, @ EquityBen, @ MeghanAndJack, @ YourAnxietyIsLying2Yew, @ TheHardTimesNews, @ Official_SpiritWalker, @ DillionMichaelWhite, @ Kidds_Dad, @ NyHolmotto




i write most of my stuff between 1–7am so nothing is coherent i hope that that is okay for you.