cosmicandy by the orion experience is the only album

you read the title.

5 min readMar 7, 2021

This is a stream of consciousness review/analysis of an old favorite album of mine, Cosmicandy by The Orion Experience. I am not a professional or expert in anything I’m simply bored and feeling nostalgic.

  1. The Queen of White Lies

This song… the vibes are just so right. Groovy af, it’s just fun to listen to. Also I just kind of love that the narrator of the song is very clearly aware that he’s being lied to and possibly cheated on and he just doesn’t care, he has this weird mix of complacency mixed with a sadistic enjoyment for this relationship that that just makes this song somehow incredibly fun in a kind of dark way. Also they totally makeup for the extremely repetitive backup singing and chorus with very fun and variety filled lyrics in the rest of the song, I dont know the parts of a song except like ‘intro’, ‘outro’, ‘chorus’, so anything else is just the rest of it.

2. The Cult of Dionysus

Such a FUN SONG, GOOD LORD. Just an awesome hippie anthem. Really, it’s just packed full of ‘fuck normal living, lets just have a good time’ and that’s all I want. fully embracing everything that society calls ‘lazy’ or ‘materialistic’ or ‘improper’, while also rejecting extreme capitalism and manipulative behaviors. Yes, I am in fact getting too carried away, it’s a song that is simply saying ‘lets drink, fuck, and be merry’, but HONESTLY what else do you want from me? This song fucks.

“I’m feeling devious, you’re looking glamorous, let’s get mischievous, and polyamorous, wine and women and wonderful vices”

Yes I think I will, thank you :)

(I am in fact a little bias I will say, because I’m pagan and my main deity is Dionysus)

3. Obsessed With You

This song is so good because it’s literally just about having an excessive crush, but escalated to the point that it’s now from the a literal stalker, which is so fun. This whole album is just full of this fun dark story telling, while also having said narrator(s?) very self aware. This song ultimately leaves you with two emotions, ‘that was so fun’ and ‘this poor girl’.

Also sidenote, ‘your love is better than cocaine’, thanks for that information Orion.

Another sidenote, I had to look up the lead’s name for that, and was surprised to find out it’s Orion, I thought it was called that because they were like total hippies and obsessed with stars, but no it’s like calling the band The Bryce Experience and that makes it so much worse, I love it.

4. I Love the Stars

Did I mention they’re hippies? I don’t have a lot to say about this song, actually. It’s just a good, chill fun song, I can smell the weed smoke as I listen to it. It’s just good, and also still has that slightly dark vibe in the lyrics as the narrator imagines that in some other alternate dimension, he and his love interest are goin’ at it like the world is ending. Good for him? I think?

5. Adrianne

This song has some slight Beatles vibes at the very beginning? I love that? It’s such good vibes. Also, since Linda is kind of co-lead-singer in this one instead of her usually being closer to backup, this song is immediately being labeled a bi/pan/poly/omni/etc anthem.

Honestly it’s a little hard to make out some of the main lyrics I think just because of the style/affects that may be being used, so I can’t really analyze those without extra effort that I won’t be doing, but still a solid song, good, fun to listen and sing along to.

6. There’s No Love in February

This song is a totally different vibe than the rest of the album, but it’s so good??? It’s just a lot more somber and sadder than the rest of the vibes and messages in the other songs, and they did it really well, which I feel is pretty hard for other artists, to make a song that is just a whole other vibe but just as good.

I also just like that he pronounces February how it’s spelled, which a lot of people don’t.

7. Like Sexy Dynamite

We LOVE having Linda take the lead spot for a song, this one is another like, not incredibly deep but very fun, solid song. And again, can’t stress how much I love giving Linda a lead spot, her voice is so nice and fun, has a kinda carefree vibe to it if that makes sense. Also lots of fun guitar bits in this one.

8. Your New Boyfriend

Back to the original vibe the album as the album starts to near the end, fun, boppy, clapping, tambourine. This one will get stuck in your head, watch out. Despite being much closer to the original tone, this one also has a sort of sad vibe. If we assume that the male narrator is the same male narrator across all the songs, in one narrative, this could maybe be him starting to reach a depressive self awareness of how all his past situations have been kinda extremely unhealthy, and now the fun haze they had is gone and now he’s just lonely.

Am I overthinking this? Probably. Decent song, not one of my favorites off the album, but still a good song, probably won’t put you off, yknow?

9. We Are The Ones

Back to the anti-normalcy as the standard, vibe, we have a kind of chill-rebellious song as a generation is like ‘hey you realize you traumatized us all and in 10 years we are going to be in control of everything, right?”

Also this song gives me some serious The Donnas vibes, right?

10. Blood and Money

THIS SONG!!! Hard contender for my favorite track, tied with Cult Of Dionysus, which is very funny, because Cult of Dionysus is kind of run-away anthem, encouraging the concept of just running away from the crazy corrupt money-centered world, while Blood and Money is a more aggressive calling out of the current society, and encouraging to fight back against it, while ALSO calling out the ‘fake hippies’ I guess? I don’t know how to word this exactly but it’s important to me that I call attention to it.

I think this song might have the best written lyrics, non-repetitive without being jarringly inconsistent, clever word play, descriptive visuals, just so fun. So good.

In conclusion, I feel that it’s very obvious that yes, this album, is in fact, the only album.




i write most of my stuff between 1–7am so nothing is coherent i hope that that is okay for you.